Where Did Spring Go?


I can’t complain that we didn’t really have a spring. But… sometimes this means hot and dry way too soon.

That might be trouble (wild-fires trouble).

I guess we’ll keep chuggin’ along and getting things going, or done around here. The month of May gave us a fun little roller-coaster ride (weather wise) as we hit the 80’s but then had some nights dropping down to freezing! WTHeck? My plants were quite confused by the extreme temps; some made it and some took a hit. I hope and pray they all come out of this mostly unscathed. I did my best to bundle the little babies up at night – but who knows? Any stunting will show up later.

I’ve got a lot of ’round 2’s’ waiting in the wing – incase things take a turn out there (the garden) or we get another freezing-stunt courtesy of Mother Nature!


May also brought us our baby turkey’s. Yup, we are going on an unknown poultry journey! A new adventure… what fun! This is our first time raising turkey’s. Apparently the real TLC happens their first two weeks of life. This is when they need attention and to be looked after with eagle-eyes! Our ‘eagle eye’s’! hahaha, let’s keep them predators at bay for awhile, shall we? šŸ™‚ We are keeping them safe in a brooder-environment; where they stay warm, protected and living the Buffet lifestyle in there! Man, birds can eat! Not just turkey’s but chickens and meat birds and… all the ‘regular’-nature birds flying around here!


They seem to be doing well for their first week. That must mean… we’re also doing okay for keeping them alive! They grow quickly and before we know it – they will be out on pasture, living the green-life!

As for the other life on the homestead, things are going well.

Around the property: a section of fence was re-built. The garden is getting new wood chipping (on all paths). And the new chicken coop (for the egg layers) is in progress as we build on it here-and-there. When the price of lumber and building supplies went up – we slowed way down on all the extra building activities! No chicken coop should cost hundreds of dollars! No. It should not. Not for us anyway. We’re repurposer’s. But sometimes – ya need to buy a few pieces of lumber!

The girls can wait. They have a coop. Fingers crossed they can be in their new place before fall though!

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